There are changes coming to the Canvas LMS. This post provides an overview of what’s coming in terms of: the new gradebook, analytics, and quizzes. It also shares about an event coming up that will provide an overview of the changes and an opportunity to have your questions answered.
New Gradebook (switches over for everyone on 01/18/20; the old gradebook will no longer be available to use; available now as you build out your Spring classes)
New Analytics (replaces former analytics tool for all users on 03/21/2020; available for Spring classes)
New Quizzes (replaces existing quizzes tool; available to use for Spring courses; forced switch for all Canvas users in summer of 2020)
- New features
- Changes to the rich content editor (available within quizzes, pages, announcements, discussions, syllabus, and assignments)
Before Canvas permanently transitions to the New Gradebook on 01/18/20, you have the opportunity to test the functionality within your upcoming courses. To enable the New Gradebook along with New Analytics and New Quizzes for testing, you will need to turn these features on within your individual courses by going to ‘Settings,’ clicking on ‘Feature Options,” and then toggling these features on. View this video from David Rhoads for a quick look at how to set this up in next semester’s/term’s courses.
If you would like more information about these changes, please use the bulleted links above and register for the online Canvas Updates session on 01/06/20 from 10:15 – 10:45 am. The update session will be held via Zoom, for those who may not have made it all the way back to campus by then.